
2024 - 2025年本科 & 研究生目录






Visit 弗雷德里克·梅杰荣誉学院 online at 博天堂官方.edu/honor.


联合国的使命 弗雷德里克·梅杰荣誉学院 是激励和激励学生成为求知欲强的终身学习者,为当地和全球社区做出积极贡献,成为有能力的领导者和积极的全球公民.


Frederik Meijer荣誉学院是为渴望在学术上挑战自我的学生提供的另一种通识教育课程. 学院的重点是弥合传统学科之间的差距,让学生有机会看到每个学科对其他学科的影响.

为了实现这一目标, 我们的许多课程都是跨学科和团队教学的,同时利用小班授课来引发更多的讨论. We understand that sometimes the moments of greatest learning are unplanned. 这些小班, coupled with the fact that many professors hold office hours nearby, foster a deeper personal connection between students and professors. Another feature of our curriculum is an active schedule of co-curricular activities, 无论是校内还是校外.

更大的师生互动, as well as classes specially designed to foster advanced 写作 and speaking skills, 批判性思维, 和分析, prepare students to be competitive for graduate and professional programs. Our students develop high levels of proficiency in research, 写作, 批判性思维, synthesizing material from multiple disciplines, and applying critical skills to primary sources. 因为这些先进的技能, 在学生学者日,优等生有更多的机会作为本科生参与和展示研究, 区域荣誉会议, the National Collegiate Honors Council annual meeting, 以及其他专业会议.

梅杰荣誉学院鼓励学生参加课外活动,培养领导能力,欣赏大学生活的丰富性和多样性. 优等生经常在大学或社区从事服务和志愿者项目. 他们也有独特的文化体验和旅游机会,如有补贴的博物馆参观和教师带领的芝加哥之旅, 底特律, 还有其他城市. There are annual summer service-learning programs to Ghana, 海地, 和以色列, 此外,学校还鼓励学生利用学校提供的其他出国留学机会.

完成梅杰荣誉学院课程不应与“荣誉毕业”混淆," which is determined strictly by final grade point average. 梅杰荣誉学院不仅要求高的平均成绩,而且要求成功完成一系列特殊的具有挑战性的课程. 完成所有梅杰荣誉学院的要求,将在学士学位文凭和大学成绩单上获得“梅杰荣誉学院毕业生”的称号. Graduates are eligible to wear a special medallion and stole at Commencement.


To attain the Meijer Honors College designation, students must graduate with an overall grade point average of 3.2或以上. 三岁以下学生.可以完成荣誉课程,以满足他们的大学通识教育要求, but they will not earn the honors designation. 荣誉课程只有在主任和相关教员同意的情况下才能重复.

学生可以在任何时候自愿退出荣誉课程,但如果他们这样做,将负责完成常规的通识教育课程. Meijer Honors College advisors are available to assist students transitioning out of the program. 同样的, students may apply to transfer into honors from the regular General Education Program, 或者来自其他学院或大学, and honors advisors are available to help with the transition.



没有荣誉认证机构, 尽管全国大学荣誉委员会为荣誉项目制定指导方针并提供资源. Grand Valley is an active member of the National Collegiate Honors Council.


Applicants must first be accepted to Grand Valley before they apply to the Meijer Honors College. 我们采用全面的申请流程, which means that we consider the whole student, 不仅仅是静态指标. 在应用中, we look for demonstrations of strong academic motivation and ability to achieve on a high level. The application asks students to show these through completing a self-assessment, listing academic and leadership accomplishments, 写一篇强有力的文章, and submitting a significant analytical or creative paper from high school. Our normal expectation of high school applicants entering college for the first time is a 3.5 high school GPA and an ACT score of 28 or an SAT score of 1300. 然而,这些都不是严格的要求.

梅杰荣誉学院也欢迎从其他学院或大学或大峡谷内转学的学生的申请. Our normal expectation is that transfer students will have a 3.5大学GPA. 该应用程序可在 博天堂官方.edu/honors.


Frederik Meijer奖学金办公室帮助在校园各个学科中表现出非凡潜力的大峡谷学生准备和申请包括Boren在内的全国竞争奖学金和奖学金, 富布赖特, 盖茨剑桥, 吉尔曼, 戈德华特, 马歇尔, 罗兹, 杜鲁门, 尤德尔, 和更多的. The staff matches opportunities with students' strengths, 利益, and ambitions; helps students design a plan to attain their goals; and provides support throughout the application process. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 博天堂官方.edu/fellowships.


One of the hallmarks of the Meijer Honors College is its rich learning and living community. 出于这个原因, 荣誉学生, 尤其是一年级学生, are encouraged to live in one of the two honors housing centers, 这样他们就加强了社区的纽带,加强了彼此对学术卓越的承诺.

格伦A. 尼迈耶学习生活中心 is a state-of-the-art residential and academic center with two- and four-bedroom apartments, 休息室和学习区, 还有一个计算机实验室. Most honors classrooms are also in the building.

The Holton-Hooker Learning and Living Center 一个住宿和学术中心是否因为它建立了丰富而深入的社区而为一年级的荣誉学生提供了最佳的住房.


D。艾伦. Nancy Lubbers奖学金. 获得校长奖学金的学生可以申请名誉奖学金, 卢伯斯奖学金. 这个奖励最多可以增加2美元,000 onto merit-based scholarships and is renewable for up to 10 semesters. It is a significant honor to receive this scholarship, 但是,只有符合资格并参加了奖学金竞赛,并在年度最后一次奖学金竞赛之前申请并被梅杰荣誉学院录取的学生才有资格获得该奖项.

Frederik 梅杰第一代 Honors College Student Scholarship. 这是一项全额学费奖学金,专门为那些直系亲属中第一个攻读大学学位的优秀一年级学生提供. Candidates must be eligible to participate in the scholarship competition, must have been accepted to the university and the Meijer Honors College, and must enroll full-time as a degree-seeking student. The scholarship is renewable up to a maximum of eight semesters. Recipients must stay in good standing in Meijer Honors College to renew this scholarship.

Felix V. 和格拉迪斯A. 祖卡提斯荣誉奖学金. 获得校长奖学金或教师奖学金的学生有资格获得声望很高的荣誉奖学金, 祖卡提斯荣誉奖学金. 这个奖励最多可以增加1美元,000 onto merit-based scholarships and is renewable for up to eight semesters. It is a significant honor to receive this scholarship, 但是,只有符合资格并参加了奖学金竞赛,并在年度最后一次奖学金竞赛之前申请并被梅杰荣誉学院录取的学生才有资格获得该奖项.

露丝·张伯伦全球问题奖学金. This scholarship was initiated by John ("Jack") Chamberlain in memory of his wife Ruth. 该奖学金为一名或多名在梅杰荣誉学院表现出重大前景的学生提供支持, 增长, 或改进, and have demonstrated a research or career interest in solving global problems (for example, 气候变化问题, 自然灾害, 能源, 人口变化, 可持续性, 等.). 研究领域可能包括, 但不限于, 自然资源, 生物学, 化学, 或相关科学. The scholarship may be awarded for a maximum of two semesters, but may be renewable.

Jonathan and Marcia White Endowed Honors College Scholarship. 这项奖学金延续了乔纳森的公共服务遗产和对推进国土安全的承诺. 它奖励在梅杰荣誉学院追求国家安全或公共服务事业的聪明学生. 该奖学金的设立是为了表彰拉尔夫·豪恩斯坦上校的军事和文职服务记录. Candidates must be in honors and enrolled for at least 12 credit hours per semester. The scholarship is renewable up to a total of six semesters.

For more information on applying and competing for the Lubbers, 梅杰第一代, 或者祖卡提奖学金, 联系博天堂官方顾问 (电子邮件保护) 或(616)331 -2025或(800)748 -0246. For the Chamberlain, White, and other scholarships, visit 博天堂官方.edu/financialaid 或致电(616)331-3234或(800)748-0246.


荣誉学生会(HSC)负责为梅杰荣誉学院的管理做出贡献,并为所有荣誉学生提供服务, not just those living in honors living centers, 被倾听的机会. HSC为大学提供输入, develops programming and student activities, and works to build community within the Meijer Honors College. It is an excellent place for 荣誉学生 to make a difference in and outside of honors, as well as to develop leadership skills and experience.

Upperclass 荣誉学生 may apply to be peer mentors to incoming first-year students. 导师帮助学生过渡到梅杰荣誉学院和大学生活, and act as ambassadors for the Meijer Honors College.

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